Shreya Nidugondi
We can be friends if you like dogs, fries and Terry Pratchett (in that order). I'm correcting your grammar in my head.
Articles by Shreya Nidugondi
Two things have always fascinated me as a child- words and crosswords. Which word should I say? How do I say it? Can it, in its barely ten letters, hardly three
On a mid-autumn day at 8 o'clock when the colour of a setting sun begins to show on tree leaves, and the nights are shorter than the steps on your way from slee
“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me.
Imagine a clean world. It does not have war, poverty, or hunger. Fancy a universe out there, that lives in binary- yin or yang, good or bad, black or white. The
“Dear reader, if there is a scandal, I shall uncover it." Welcome to Regency London, where debutantes attend balls every second day, a mysterious gossip colu
What is common to a mullet-wielding, neon-donning 1980s American teenager and their Persian contemporary living in obscurity, confined in the clutches of Ayatol
I When I was little, my home had one wall- my grandfather, my thatha. I thought that of all the people who ever breathed, and of all the stars in the sky, he w
This summer, master a skill that will isolate you regardless of a pandemic! Step 1: Look up ‘recipes for beginners’. Scratch that. Search ‘easy recipes for d